Children are being read bedtime stories by Alexa and some children have no idea how to use a book.
Some children are starting school not able to speak in sentences, and are being read bedtime stories by Alexa. Parents are increasingly relying on Alexa to entertain their children. Some four and five-year-olds even try to swipe books because they are so addicted to mobile phones.
In a poll of reception teachers, eighty-two percent have said that increasing numbers of children are not prepared adequately to start school. Of 100 teachers polled eighty-two percent claim that there are more speech and language problems than five years ago. One teacher said that more than half their intake who started school this month could not speak in sentences or be understood reliably by an adult. and at least one child in their class had no idea how to use a book according to 72percent of teachers. Which may be because many children go to sleep with a story from Alexa rather than a parent.
How sad surely a bedtime story is a lovely end to the day for child and parent.
What is your opinion do you think it is ok for Alexa to be reading your child a bedtime story?
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