Parents are being urged to have their children vaccinated.
It has been revealed by NHS figures that thousands of children have missed one or both of their MMR doses. There were 527,000 children in the UK who missed out on the first dose of the measles vaccine between 2010 and 2017. And that makes outbreaks spreading a lot easier.
Public health England has analysed that there are 1,645 children born between April 2000 and March 2016 in North East Lincolnshire. Who have not received their first dose of the triple Measles Mumps and Rubella vaccine. This is usually given at 12 months.
As many as 2,974 children in the same age group may not have received the second dose by the time they reach five. There is growing concern that misinformation by anti-vaxxers is leading to low immunisation rates.
Childhood vaccinations could become compulsory.
Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said he is open to all options when it comes to boosting vaccination rates. Including making childhood jabs compulsory. Currently, it is the parents decision whether to get their children immunised. There are no sanctions for those who choose not to have their children vaccinated.Mr. Hancock is very concerned that the falling vaccination rates are putting children’s lives at risk.
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