
Children banned from giving party invitations out at school.


A school has banned pupils from giving out party invites to avoid the children who are not invited from getting upset.

The school acted after one child was upset after being excluded from a classmates party. Parents think banning giving party invites out at school is a step too far.

Seeing a child being excluded by classmates is very painful, it’s heartbreaking for parents, and upsetting for the child. Unfortunately, it is not an uncommon scenario.

The school has set a new rule where party invites have to be sent by email. Children at the primary school are no longer allowed to hand out paper invitations in the playground or classroom. Parents have also been advised to advise children to not talk about their party in the playground or classroom. To avoid children who haven’t been invited being upset.

A number of parents expressed their outrage saying it is a step too far, we have to build resilient children.

What do you think is this a step too far?

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