Why you need to register to vote right now
It only takes a moment and it’s your right. It’s your chance to have a say in local and national elections. It’s your voice on issues that matter to you.
So it’s easy to see how you could miss out on lots of benefits if you’re not registered, but there are hidden advantages to being on the electoral register.
In the last general election, only 65.63% of voters in Cleethorpes cast their vote, and only 57.63% voted in Grimsby.
Now voters are being urged to register to vote so they don’t miss out on forthcoming elections, and there’s a surprising little-known bonus to getting your name on the electoral register.
If you’ve already registered, and your details haven’t changed, you do not need to reregister.
So it’s easy to see how you could miss out on lots of benefits if you’re not registered, but there are hidden advantages to being on the electoral register.
In the last general election, only 65.63% of voters in Cleethorpes cast their vote, and only 57.63% voted in Grimsby.
Now voters are being urged to register to vote so they don’t miss out on forthcoming elections, and there’s a surprising little-known bonus to getting your name on the electoral register.
If you’ve already registered, and your details haven’t changed, you do not need to reregister.
As well as allowing you to cast a vote, registering to vote can help you to get a loan, a mortgage or a bank account – it improves your credit score.
Without it you can’t carry out jury service.
Who can register to vote?
In North East Lincolnshire, you can register to vote if you are aged 16 or over.
You must be a UK citizen, a qualifying Commonwealth citizen resident in the UK, or an EU citizen resident in the UK.
Note that you cannot vote until you turn 18.
How do you register?
Registering to vote is free and easy. All you need is your national insurance number and your date of birth
Once you’ve got those details, visit www.gov.uk/register-to-vote and complete the short online form.
What happens next?
Once you’ve completed the online form, that’s it. You’re registered.
When a local or general election or a referendum is close, you’ll be sent a polling card which you’ll need to take to your polling station on voting day. The local polling station address will be on the polling card.
Do I need to register again?
If nothing changes, you only need to register once.
If you change your name, address or nationality, you will be required to register again to update your details.
I work away from home – can I still vote?
If you work away from home, you can set up a postal vote or a proxy vote.
Postal votes are sent to you well in advance of an election. You have to complete the postal vote pack and send it back to the Council so it arrives by 10pm on voting day.
To set up a postal vote, visit www.yourvotematters.co.uk.
A proxy vote is where you appoint somebody else to vote if you can’t.
You’ll have to appoint somebody you trust to vote on your behalf at your polling station.
To set up voting by proxy, visit www.yourvotematters.co.uk.
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