
Calling all residents – it’s time to have your say!

Residents in North East Lincolnshire will have the opportunity to discuss issues affecting the borough with leading councillors when the Council’s Cabinet holds the first of a programme of “listening’’ events later this month.

Members of the public are being invited to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the area with members of North East Lincolnshire Council’s Cabinet at Grimsby Town Hall between 6.30pm and 8.30pm on Tuesday October 22nd.

Council Leader Philip Jackson said he and Cabinet colleagues were looking to hear more about issues facing communities where they live.

“When we took control of the Council in May, we said we were committed to listening to people and this is all part of that,’’ he explained.

“This won’t be any sort of decision making forum, but we’re keen to make sure we’re accessible to the public and we hope people will take the opportunity to come and discuss some of the key things either already going on, or planned for the area.’’

The event will be on a first come, first served drop-in basis, with note takers on hand to support Cabinet members in forwarding key issues to service areas.

Councillor Jackson also emphasised the events would not replace or impact on ward surgeries currently held by councillors from across all the area’s political parties.

“Ward surgeries are very important for allowing residents to talk directly and raise specific with their local councillor to take up on their behalf and are a key part of the role of a member,’’ he said.

“These listening events are more of an opportunity for the public to come and talk to us about borough-wide matters- and also share some of their ideas with us if they want- so we can continue to work with them to realise the ambition and aspirations we all have for North East Lincolnshire.’’

Cabinet members attending:

Cllr Philip Jackson, Leader

Cllr John Fenty: Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Skills and Housing. Responsibilities: Economic strategy, Inward investment and business support, Regeneration, Assets (corporate, commercial, community) and estate management, all aspects of housing, Skills and employability.

Cllr Stan Shreeve: Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources. Responsibilities: Financial strategy and corporate governance, Revenue budget and capital programme, digital strategy, inclusion and development, Shared services and commercial development, Financial inclusion.

Cllr Stewart Swinburn: Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport. Responsibilities: Planning, development control, highways and transportation, traffic management, parking and regulation, climate change and the green agenda, waste, recycling and environmental management, Neighbourhood services, street scene, parks , open spaces.

Cllr Margaret Cracknell: Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care. Responsibilities: Adult social care, health and adult social care commissioning and provision, Public Health and health inequality, Health and care partnership and integration.

Cllr Callum Procter: Portfolio Holder for Tourism, heritage and culture. Responsibilities: Tourism and the visitor economy, leisure, sport and recreation, culture, Borough heritage, museums and the arts.

Cllr Ian Lindley: Portfolio Holder for Children, education and young people. Responsibilities: Statutory Lead Member for children’s services, safeguarding of children and young people, Corporate parenting, care leavers and family support, Early help, SEND, School improvement and education (schools, FE and HE).

Cllr Ron Shepherd: Portfolio Holder for Safer and Stronger Communities. Responsibilities: All aspects of local authority enforcement and regulatory services, environmental health, food safety, pollution control, trading standards and licensing, community safety and anti-social behaviour, voluntary and community sector, equalities, diversity and inclusion.

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