What one visitor to Cleethorpes makes of our cashless toilets.
A visitor to Cleethorpes from Northamptonshire wrote to a daily newspaper paper to criticise Cleethorpes cashless Loos.
The independent cash review found that more than eight million adults in Britain would seriously struggle to cope if society went cashless in the future. It also argued that the right to use cash should be on the same footing as the right to send and receive letters and have clean water in our homes.
The visitor wrote that on a recent visit to Lincolnshire many public toilets were charging 20p to use them with a 20p coin needed to use them. But on arriving in Cleethorpes you could only use a contactless card to use them. This is not acceptable for many people including the elderly. One elderly woman was struggling to get in and consequently wet herself.
Is this a fitting way to treat people who may not have such a card?
Have you struggled with the cashless Loos in our town?
Do you agree with this visitors comments?
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