
Seven- year- old boy assaulted by teenagers in Grimsby Park.



Seven-year-old boy assaulted in Grimsby park.

A seven-year-old boy was allegedly elbowed in the face and spat on by three teenagers in Grant Thorold Park on Durban Road near the children’s play area around 5.30pm on Sunday 23rd June.

The boy was in the park with his mother and siblings when the alleged assault took place. The teenagers were all boys aged between 16-18 years old. They were wearing dark clothes and were all riding bikes. Two were on black bikes, and the third was on an orange one.

The boy suffered a bruise to his forehead. It is thought that racially abusive terms were also said to the seven-year-old who is from Eastern Europe.

Were you in the park at the time? Do you know who these suspects are? If you can help identify these suspects please get in touch with Humberside Police quoting Log 553 of 23/6/19.

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