Did you think wasps only purpose in life was to terrorise us?
Apparently, according to scientists wasps are beneficial insects and not pointless and bothersome. Wasps are natural pest controllers.
Volunteers gathered data over two weeks as part of the big wasp survey and they say the wasp deserves more appreciation. Without wasps which are nature’s pest controllers, we would have to use a lot more pesticides according to Dr. Seirian Summer Of University College London. They are viewed as the gangster and much maligned in the insect world she told the BBC. But they are a beneficial insect and they are doing us a favour but we are overlooking the favour.
Researchers gathered more than 2,000 wasp samples for identification. The wasp and yellowjacket wasp was the most common both at 44% and the European hornet made up 6% while two rarer species were also found.
Dr. Sumner an Adam Hart of the University of Gloucestershire carried out the survey because they wanted to draw attention to the role wasps have in the natural world.
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