
Head teachers need to stop asking pupils if their ok when doing tests.


Head teachers need to stop asking pupils if their ok when doing tests.

If head teachers ask pupils if they are ok when doing tests it might encourage anxiety according to the school’s watchdog. And even encouragement that is positive such as tapping children on the shoulder could pressurise them.

Heads should avoid the issue altogether so that pupils do not realise they are being tested the chief inspector of schools said. SATs are being sat this week by 11-year-olds.

If Labour wins power they are vowing to abolish the tests. But the chief inspector of schools said the problem is with schools. A good primary school will manage to run key stage tests with children not even knowing. At one school, the head was going round clapping year sixes on the shoulder saying are you feeling ok about the test and is it all going well.

Which is very well-meaning but may encourage children to feel anxious. Over the past two years, there have been complaints from teachers and parents that children have been in tears after taking the new tougher Stats. The curriculum was made more rigorous by Michael Gove to try and raise levels of literacy and numeracy.

Many parents do not realise that SATs are not an official qualification they are used to judge the performance of the school, not its children. Official league tables are drawn up by the data and lets the government know where teaching is substandard.

Does your child’s school manage to run key stage tests without your child knowing?


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    1 Comment

    • English Teacher , May 15, 2019 @ 11:48 am

      Maybe the writer of this article should have been asked if *they’re* ok during *their* English exam.

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