
Your new look Council Cabinet

Your new look Council Cabinet.

Following the Conservatives taking overall control of North East Lincolnshire Council for the first time on 2 May and, subject to his formal election as Leader of the Council on 21 May (at the Council’s AGM), Conservative Group Leader Cllr Philip Jackson is proposing the following Cabinet:


Cllr John Fenty:                 Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Skills and Housing

Cllr Stan Shreeve:            Portfolio Holder for Finance and Resources

Cllr Stewart Swinburn    Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport

Cllr Margaret Cracknell  Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care

Cllr Callum Procter           Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Heritage and Culture


Cllr Ian Lindley                   Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Young People

Cllr Ron Shepherd           Portfolio Holder for Safer and Stronger Communities


“This is a strong team with the skills and experience to bring about the changes we want to see and take forward our manifesto commitments. We are all passionate about making North East Lincolnshire a more prosperous, pleasant and safer place for all our residents, businesses and visitors. A key part of this will be making progress with the Town Deal, in partnership with central Government, and I will take overall Cabinet responsibility for this” said Cllr Jackson.





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