
NHS patients to be prescribed free bike rental.


NHS patients to be prescribed free bike rental.

The first scheme is being rolled out in Cardiff to try and cut the risk of death from heart disease.

A recent study found that regular cycling cuts heart disease by 46% and cancer risks by 45%. And even if you only cycle part of the way to work it can still reduce your chances of heart disease or cancer.

The pilot scheme will allow doctors at two surgeries to be able to prescribe patients free 30-minute bike hire sessions for six months. The bike share provider Nextbike is funding the trial.

Dr. Tom Porter a consultant said that cycling could cut heart disease in half. It is also a good way to get around without using your car. Which is good for you and helps to keep the air clean for everyone while reducing carbon emissions.

One GP believes that even though people are aware of the many benefits of exercise, people are often reluctant to engage. The Nextbike on prescription will allow people to have a go at cycling and hopefully realise they enjoy it and how it helps their wellbeing.

Do you think this would be a good idea for our town?

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