Labour Candidate List. Local Elections 2019
With all to play for on Thursday, 2nd May, here is a list of the Labour Candidates and what they hope to achieve.
With Labour looking to regain overall control and the Tory’s looking to carry the momentum from last elections it promises to be an interesting election.
Also with the backdrop of national debate around Brexit this will be a test to how well local parties stand up against this. With Lib Dems and a number of Independents looking to throw a few surprises into the mix any outcome is possible in the most unpredictable Local Election in years
Dave Bolton – Immingham
What do you think are the biggest issues in your Ward?
Immingham is one of the major areas of deprivation in North East Lincolnshire.
Increasing usage of the Food Bank on families due to Benefit cuts and issues with Universal Credit set up.
Youth opportunities are limited in the Ward.
What would your focus be on, if you were elected?
We are seeing an increase in house building, that is a necessity for future growth in employment in the Ward.
With major projects such as the SHIPP project and other
future investment. This will increase employment prospects in the area.
The Immingham Ward will require increased infrastructure in regards to education, retail, medical and leisure.
Because of this, it will reduce deprivation in the Ward and improve the lives of residents.
How can your party help the residents of North East Lincolnshire?
As we have been doing the past nine years, by protecting the most vulnerable in our Borough.
Defending Services against the savage Austerity, this government has imposed on NELC this past nine years.
Despite the financial constraints, I am proud to be a part of this Labour Administration, that has made the difficult decisions in maintaining a balanced budget, reformed our Services.
Yes there have been difficulties but we will overcome them.
Sheldon Mill
- Biggest ward issues
Freshney Ward is a diverse ward that has a number of key issues:
i . Replacing the 3 box recycle system with a system fit for the future.
- Ensuring LHP tenants receive a decent service
- Tackling traffic issues – dangerous junctions, school parking, speeding and HGV traffic
iii. Ensuring Flood risk is taken seriously
- Focus if elected
Continuing doing what I’ve been doing since the by-election last July;
- supporting the great community groups we have operating across the ward
- Keeping in touch with residents via regular ward surgeries and “knock and ask” sessions were we go and ask residents if they have any issues or concerns.
- What can Labour do for NEL residents
- Continue protecting vital services of Adult social care and children’s social services
- Continue improving existing waste and recycling services. More Skip It events and modern recycling service
iii. Keep balancing the finances – too many council’s (mostly Conservative) have gone bust!!
Judy Nichols Croft Baker Ward
What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?
Recycling and waste collection are mentioned on the doorstep, especially the triple box system,which is not popular. I was pleased to hear that Labour are tackling this problem by trialling a two bin system in certain wards and if successful and Labour are re-elected this will be rolled out throughout the borough.
What would your focus be on if you are elected?
Street Scene is important so I was pleased that extra grass cutting has already started and with the provision of larger modern street litter bins,the Resort will be a cleaner greener space to live in and visit.
On street parking is also an issue especially in residential streets and during the holiday season. If elected I will work closely with the Portfolio Holder to ensure we resolve this quickly through effective and efficient resident only parking schemes.
How can your party help the residents of NEL?
Labour have already been successful with obtaining nearly £4 million of Coastal Communities funding for Cleethorpes.
This funding will cover a range of projects to enhance key areas of Cleethorpes, provide new facilities and deliver some exciting events in the resort, which is great news for the Cleethorpes Wards and the rest of the borough.
Liz Haddock Scartho
I am proud to be a Scartho resident but issues need resolving. Council money cuts were drastic over the last few years. Many need help, especially the less able.
Householders tell me anti-social behaviour, rubbish tipping, bin collection irregularities, traffic problems outside local schools and Scartho Top with no facilities at all.
Many people recently told we they will not vote, feeling that ALL politicians are untrustworthy. Situations need to improve to restore faith in politicians.
Cycle lanes that work for the cyclist, and to be used by them, while considering others.
There needs to be a new road taking traffic from Scartho Top across to Bradley to cut down on overloading roads near the hospital. Road changes are primarily Central Government controlled and decisions made and paid for by Central Government.
The environment is very important and has to be considered in all future developments. Environmentally friendly Industries need to be encouraged to give our children a future.
I would work for the residents and would hold surgeries, question our party while also questioning others in councillors.
Peter Bailey Haverstoe
- The biggest issues in the ward include anti social behaviour around Haverstoe Park, speeding cars on Queens Parade and inconsiderate parking around schools.
- My focus if elected would be on anti social behaviour and the support systems needed to engage with the mainly young people who are at a loose end and cause nuisance.
- Our Party has a social conscience and will address needs across the whole of the area. Austerity has caused immense damage and for example,raised child poverty rates hugely.
Janet Goodwin – South
The biggest issues within South Ward are Anti-Social Behaviour (motor bikes going up and down streets and being ridden on Bradley pitches day and night, drug use / drinking on all parks in the ward) Recycling, fly tipping and Cleaner Streets due to the recycling box being used at the moment. This has come from our ongoing roving surgeries. There is also a need for better play areas for the younger kids to feel safe in and areas for the older kids to go too as well.
If I were re-elected along with Ian Rodwell, we would focus on the kid in the area get the parks fit for purpose across the whole of the ward. Work with the Anti-Social Behaviour Team tackling A.S.B because a minority bunch of people are making life hell for the residents on South Ward. We would carry on roving surgeries because this is the best way to find out what is going on in the ward and helping our residents with problems by knocking on doors and speaking to the residents
The Labour party can help the residents of N.E.L by fighting the austerity cuts bought in by the Conservative government. Bringing in new investment to the borough like the Town Deal and creating new jobs for the area especially the young. Just to be there for our residents when needed and help with their issues.
Mark Gee
What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?
The biggest issues in the East Marsh ward are fly tipping and anti- social behaviour. Fly tipping into the residential alleyways being a major problem as it often goes unseen. Rogue landlords, high rents and poor maintenance of properties is also a major concern for many.
What would your focus be on if you were elected?
My focus would be on all of these issues but mainly on whichever was brought to me by any individual. The position of ward councillor is a privileged job and peoples needs must come first, my position is to listen and act in the residents interest.
How can your party help the residents of NEL?
The council are changing the way our recycling is collected. We have an excellent anti- social behaviour team. We have made some good progress with prosecuting fly tippers and clamping down on rogue landlords. All with a massive cut in budget from central government.
Karl Andrew Quibell. Wolds Ward
I believe that one of the biggest issues within the Wolds Ward is Transport, for example to get from Laceby into Town centre you have to Town residents would have to walk to the and A46 wait on a busy road for a bus, another issue I believe there is the lack of schools within the ward, with there only being one school in Healing meaning that residents would have to travel far for education and this follows up with the lack of public transport.
If elected I would focus on helping and being there for the residents, giving them a voice and I would go out regularly in the ward talking to residents doing roving surgeries, as well as holding a monthly surgery, I would focus on the amount of litter and rubbish that appears on the A46, as well as getting the residents what’s best for them, which means better roads, and cleaner areas, as well.
If Elected I would work with the Portfolio Holder for Environment, to develop a waste collection service that is suitable for all residents which will deal with the 3 box system once and for all. I would also work with the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young people, to ensure that our young people are safe and are getting the correct education and life they deserve after all they are our future.
The Labour Party will help the people of NEL by putting the most vulnerable first, making sure that services are ran the best we can with the constant cuts from the Tory Government.
We have listened to residents and will hold more Skip It Events as they were very popular. We will also be looking at replacing the Refuse Vehicles with a modern fleet as they are out of date and are not the most efficient way of collecting waste. We already cut grass on a more regular basis and this is set to continue as we see the importance of clean and litter free street.
Sheldon Ellis
What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?
The biggest issues in my ward are clearly related to traffic. With the Council’s growth agenda, extra vehicles are entering and leaving our borough especially at peak times. I share residents concerns about this extra traffic so it is essential that we work together with them and our traffic engineers to seek permanent solutions to this problem based on evidence, addressing issues around cars, public transport but also protecting cyclists and pedestrians, especially school children.
Crime and anti-social behaviour. There has been several residential burglaries in the ward recently, with many residents having to install CCTV in their homes to protect their property.
What would your focus be on if you are elected?
Too many issues the local Conservatives have neglected, to mention. Strengthen ties with the local police team; seek more litter bins across the ward and fixed-penalty notices for persistent dog fouling.
Above all, I will act on residents’ concerns.
How can your party help the residents of NEL?
We have listened to residents and are trialling a new ‘wheelie bin’ for recycling. New vehicles with increased waste capacity means that they can empty bins in one go without having to drop contents at the depot first, as they currently do.
Matthew Barrow
What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?
Fly-tipping, waste ground and anti-social behaviour, as well as general deprivation caused by the government.
What would your focus be on if you were elected?
My primary focus would be on sorting out waste ground such as the site on Lambert Road and on dealing with the anti-social behaviour on the streets and in the parks.
How can your party help the residents of NEL?
The Labour Party is the only one of the parties standing which is dedicated to making the lives of ordinary people better and to improving their communities, as opposed to the Conservatives who share their government’s desire to wreck everything and the Liberal Democrats who are historically only in it for themselves in North-East Lincolnshire.
Ian Rodwell – South
I am along with Janet Goodwin one of the two Labour candidates in the South Ward. I know the area very well and have taught business and tourism at the Grimsby Institute for over twenty years. I am a lifelong Grimsby Town supporter.
I aim to bevery visible and active in the ward helping the residents in whatever way I can to improve their quality of life. I know there are issues such as anti-social behaviour and I would liaise with the relevant agencies and new teams set up to tackle this. Cleaner streets and recycling are other major issues, and I want to build upon the successful ‘Skip it’ scheme, and improve recycling further. I also aim to try and tackle fly-tipping demonstrating how unacceptable this is to the area, and generally improve the South Ward as a place to live.
Peter Wheatley – Yarborough
Question 1)
Listening and talking to residents the most frequent issues have been around road safety and parking over the footpaths. Speeding traffic along the major roads which go through the heart of Yarborough Ward is a very prominent concern of many residents who live along that route. Reducing speed to 20mph along Cambridge Road together with a new pedestrian crossing will help both children on their way to school and the less nimble on their way to the local shops. The health, including air quality and the safety of all residents must remain a top priority for the future.
Question 2)
My focus will be on improving the health and safety of all residents and ensuring a feeling of security through pressing for extra police on the streets. I would also wish to be able to continue with my present role in the regeneration of North East Lincs which will result in the creation of much needed highly skilled jobs. The Town Plan will bring a major boost to the town centre together with the creation of a Heritage Trail from the Minster to the Kasbah and coupled with the innovative plans for Ice House can transform Grimsby and create further jobs.
Question 3)
The Labour Party is the only party on the Council wholly committed to help the most vulnerable members of our community. The budget has been drastically cut by a Conservative Government totally driven by political dogma. The Looked After Children and Adult Social Care budgets have now taken up almost all of the spend of the Council which means that the only method left to help provide other services is to be successful in bidding for extra money from national grants. This is not a way to provide the services which the public want but a Government which is set on further austerity and cuts to many vital services which keep the fabric of a local community functioning.
Marie Green – Sidney Sussex
No Photo
I live in Grimsby Road in the heart of Sidney Sussex Ward. I am out and about in the Ward every day and see its good points as well as its problems. I have lived in this home since 2017, in Cleethorpes for more than 20 years and have always lived in North East Lincolnshire. I love this place and its people, and I want to use the Labour Party principles of fairness, justice and equality to represent them.
I currently work part-time supporting people with either learning disabilities or dementia. Previously I worked for the NHS or a social enterprise, eventually qualifying as an Occupational Therapist after working there for about 25 years. When my children were young, I did what most young mothers did and worked part-time in a factory or shop. This experience has been so valuable in helping my understanding of people and their needs.
If elected I will speak up for the Ward and all its residents. I will always be available to speak to residents and will hold regular Ward Surgeries with my fellow Labour Councillors. I will constantly support the needs of the resort and I am pleased to see the investment now being committed to its improvement
Vikki Verity – Waltham
I think issues facing people in Waltham are maintaining the character of the village, maintaining services and the fabric under ever increasing budget constraints and the effective tackling of crime and anti-social behaviour
As a support worker in adult services I am aware of the challenges facing the most vulnerable people in the area. I am committed to defending and improving the vital services for children and families, people with disabilities and health problems, and the older generation.
Labour is committed to defending support and services for the most vulnerable in society, that is why I am committed to Labour.
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