
Conservative Candidate List. Local Elections 2019

Conservative Candidate List. Local Elections 2019

With all to play for on Thursday, 2nd May, here is a list of the Conservative Candidates and what they hope to achieve.

With Labour looking to regain overall control and the Tory’s looking to carry the momentum from last elections it promises to be an interesting election.

Also with the backdrop of national debate around Brexit this will be a test to how well local parties stand up against this.  With Lib Dems and a number of Independents looking to throw a few surprises into the mix  any outcome is possible in the most unpredictable Local Election in years

Philip Jackson – Waltham


What would your focus be on if you were elected?

I will continue to work with our three Parish Council and local residents’ groups to oppose further major housing developments in the ward. Should the Conservatives take control of NELC I will then work with my colleagues to try to reverse Labour’s unpopular decision to replace Tollbar roundabout with traffic lights. I will work with NELC and the Parish Councils to maintain the character of our villages and improve the street scene.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

There is a real opportunity for the Conservatives to take control of NELC at this election. This will benefit all residents enormously. We will work with Government to deliver the “Town Deal” and focus on efficient and effective basic services. We will honour our manifesto pledges, including on Tollbar, resuming weekly recycling collections and restoring pride in our borough.



Garry Abel – Yarborough

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

After speaking to many residents, the same issues come to light: overflowing recycling bins, litter, dog fouling and general maintenance of the area such as the open ground next to the Freshney Green Medical Centre. Also, the traffic around the town comes to a standstill on many occasions. The proposed removal of Waltham Tollbar roundabout will make this worse.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

I will honour our pledge to introduce weekly recycling collections to enable the end of overflowing waste and bring better recycling in turn. I will campaign for alternative solutions to Tollbar roundabout and act on residents’ concerns regarding our poor and declining state of the infrastructure.  I will do my best to ensure we get value from money from our council tax.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

There is a real chance for the Conservatives to take control of NELC at this local election. This will enable us to deliver the services our residents expect. We will restore focus on delivering basic services properly in response to people’s needs. We will look to launch monthly job fairs to help people find the work they need and actively encourage businesses to invest in North East Lincolnshire and once more install the pride back into our town



Paul Batson – South

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

I live in the Ward and understand what needs to be done. We suffer greatly with anti-social behaviour.  Also, bins not being emptied is a problem.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

I believe to stem the tide of anti-social behaviour in the future we need to ensure that our children can have great places to play.  I have been trying to develop the Grange Community Centre play area.  Over the years the Labour Council have removed all children’s play facilities across the ward.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

I believe that if a place looks a mess then people will treat it as such.  We can do much better by getting basic services right.  Residents are fed up of listening to grand ideas when the council can’t even empty the bins properly.  We will change that.


Keith Brookes – Haverstoe

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

Getting the very basic services right that seem to have been neglected by the present administration i.e. the collection of household waste, cutting the grass around our roads and the care of our Haverstoe and Country parks.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

It is vital that residents are listened to. Failure to listen has been a problem with this council over many years. Public opinion on issues such as Tollbar junction and Grimsby swimming pool has been ignored.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

The Conservative group, if given the opportunity to control this council would deliver the services that people have asked for: provision of quality services for our elderly and children, closer engagement with other agencies to reduce anti-social behaviour and providing better value for money.


Bob Callison – Croft Baker

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

Recycling and other waste should be collected on time. Pot holes. Dog fouling. Crime and anti-social behaviour and front line services that rate payers are entitled to  – the list just goes on and on, BUT most of all, residents have not been listened to even if they have signed a proper and legal petition.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

I would focus on all of the above issues and stand by every one of my promises and pledges to serve the residents of Croft Baker where I live.

I will also focus on the multi-million-pound tourism industry that feeds the local economy and is at the heart of Croft Baker Ward.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

The Conservative Party has already started the process of helping residents of NEL by selecting hard-working candidates for the upcoming elections – approachable residents like myself that strongly believe in working hard for council tax payers.


Tom Furneaux – Freshney

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

The wasteful nature of the current Labour administration in spending money on unneeded projects such as Tollbar roundabout, rather than essential core services such as waste collection and grass cutting.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

To eradicate unnecessary wasteful spending by focussing spending back on core services and to stop hurting local residents in the pocket with continuous maximum council tax increases just to fund these needless projects.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

By concentrating resources on vital core services and stopping the continual decline of the local area. The borough needs an injection of pride and self-worth. Conservatives will ensure that the Town Grant supplied by the national government is not wasted on unnecessary projects and is used to attract business and further investment in areas such as tourism.


Henry Hudson – Wolds

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

As the Wolds is such a large ward running from Healing to Hawby there are a range of issues.  In Bradley the dominant issue is the constant expansion of the football pitches, in Healing, Barnoldby and Laceby there are planning issues, while Irby sufferers terribly from fly tipping. All the villages suffer from rural crime of some form or another.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

My focus would be to ensure the Wolds Ward gets its fair share of resources: from cameras to catch fly-tippers, to funds to fix potholes.  I live in the ward and will act on residents’ concerns.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

At this Election the Conservatives have a good chance to take control of the Council.

If that happens every resident will benefit from a better managed Council.

You might feel frustrated about politics nationally as am I, but please put those thoughts aside and vote Conservative locally.


Ian Lindley – Scartho

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

The on-going increase in traffic travelling through Scartho is causing major gridlock, particularly at peak times.

The proposed Tollbar scheme is a major issue, and there is almost unanimous condemnation by residents. Tollbar roundabout should be retained.

Refuse and recycling collections are shambolic. Refuse is being presented by residents on the allotted day, but not being collected until up to 3-4 days later. A full refuse and recycling review is needed.
What would your focus be on if you were elected?

I would focus on retaining the unique features of Scartho, taking on board residents’ concerns as to over-development. I would continue to use my regular surgeries to help identify needs in the ward.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

A Conservative-led Council would focus on better strategic planning for North East Lincolnshire ensuring better use of the resources available. Listening to the views and concerns of residents is vital, and a Conservative-led Council would be a genuine listening council.



Graham Reynolds – Sidney Sussex

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

Anti-social behaviour, litter and recycling, dog fouling.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?
I want to bring all my experience from working in community crime reduction to help create a safer place to live for all residents.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?
The Council must work to reduce unnecessary and wasteful expenditure by scrutinising every penny that is spent. We need to protect and improve local services and allocate funds to where they are most needed. A Conservative Council will continue to attract grant funding into the borough and will maximise the benefit from ‘Town Deal’ status, attracting investment and ensuring that the money is not squandered, but carefully spent to help generate more jobs and better opportunities for all.



Hugh Riches – West Marsh

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

Buildings that are not maintained. Litter in the streets. A lack of good employment opportunities.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

My priorities for the ward are economic regeneration, value for council tax payers, high quality rebuilding and development, and crime reduction.  The West Marsh, with its parks and waterside spaces, should be one of the most attractive wards in the country.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

The local Conservative Party councillors and candidates have a breadth and depth of experience from a range of business sectors, the Forces and Public Services and some have worked all over the world.  If we lead the Council, that experience will ensure basic services are run properly, effectively and efficiently and that new opportunities are brought to NEL which will broaden and expand our area’s horizons.


Stan Shreeve – Humberston and New Waltham

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

I have campaigned vigorously against the signalisation of Tollbar roundabout and continue to do so.  I worked with Humberston Fitties residents in protecting tenants’ interests following the recent transfer of site ownership.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

I will continue to campaign for alternative solutions to Tollbar roundabout. Listening and acting on residents’ concerns, in particular addressing problems with refuse collection, highway maintenance and the general poor and declining state of the infrastructure.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

There is a real opportunity for the Conservatives to take control of NEL at this election. This will benefit all residents enormously. We will work with central Government in the delivery of the Town Deal and focus on the efficient delivery of basic services. We will honour the pledges in our manifesto, including Tollbar, resuming weekly recycling box collection and restoring pride on our borough.



Mark Smith – Heneage

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

Waste collection and recycling.  Employment opportunities.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

We need to make sure that our basic services are being run properly.  Waste and recycling needs proper leadership from the Council, not the current mess we have.  I will fight to ensure we have weekly recycling rounds and our streets are clean.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

The Conservatives want the area to prosper.  We will build a strategy for the area that creates new opportunities for existing and new businesses to ensure local people have the opportunity to work. We will improve the overall infrastructure and planning for the area, make sure we have high standards for maintenance and care of our streets and most importantly, listen to residents.



Karen Swinburn – Immingham

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

Anti -social behaviour.

Better infrastructure is required before allowing further housing developments.

Environment – better re-cycling and waste collections.

Lack of public transport in Habrough and Stallingborough.

Litter and dog fouling.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

To listen to people and tackle the issues that concern them.  To fight for value-for-money from Council Tax.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

A change in administration is the only way to help residents to get better services and lower taxes, and to put the communities first and foremost in decision making.



Dave Townend – East Marsh

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

Unemployment due to lack of training opportunities; crime and anti-social behaviour; litter.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

Bringing new opportunities to Grimsby, ensuring effective use of council tax income and stopping waste.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

To turn around the many years of disorganisation and wasteful schemes and projects that are more about show than substance.  Weekly recycling, proper enforcement to prevent fly-tipping and a focus on high-quality training and job fairs to help bring better employment opportunities to the area.



Debbie Woodward – Park

What do you think are the biggest issues for people in your ward?

Social care, pride and standards of street cleanliness and recycling and poor traffic flow.

What would your focus be on if you were elected?

To protect provision of quality social care services to meet the needs of the vulnerable in our community.

Improve our education system to provide the best opportunities for our young people.

Restoring pride and standards in our streets and open spaces, increasing maintenance and improving recycling services.

Improving traffic flow, resolving congestion pinch-points, providing better parking facilities in the town centre for shoppers and visitors, and expanding resident parking zones.

How can your party help the residents of NEL?

I am very concerned about how the Labour administration has wasted financial and operational resources; this will change with a Conservative-led Council. Considerable investment is available through central government. The Conservative Party will consult with our communities and partners to ensure the investment is directed towards regeneration, improving our economy, enabling business growth and creating skills and job opportunities.

We are still accepting candidate profiles, please email in with a Profile and Photo.

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