
A boost for technical education in Lincolnshire

A boost for technical education in Lincolnshire

Martin Vickers MP has welcomed a project to create an Institute of Technology (IoT), serving the people of Cleethorpes, which has been successful in a recent Government competition.

IoTs are a new kind of employer-led institution offering top quality, higher level technical education. They are formed from collaborations between universities, colleges and employers and are able to draw on the experience and expertise of each. Their focus will be on much sought after STEM skills in areas such as digital, engineering and advanced manufacturing.

This IoT, which is led by the University of Lincoln, has been allocated £15 million to help it get established. It will focus on provision in the agri-tech, food manufacturing, energy and digital sectors.

This is one of twelve IoTs announced as part of a new national network backed by £170 million of Government funding.

Martin said:

This is a welcome announcement that will further build on our technical education system. The IoT will be employer led and so it will be tailored to meet the specific skills needs of the local area particularly in relation to agri-tech, food manufacturing and energy. The capital funding awarded will enable investment in high quality, industry-standard facilitates and equipment that can help deliver the higher-level technical skills most needed. I am grateful for the University of Lincoln, Grimsby Institute, Siemens Industrial Turbomachinry Ltd, Bakkavor Ltd, Olympus Automation Ltd for their involvement.”

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