
Mum plans to change one year old son’s name.



A mum has revealed on social media that she hates her one-year-old son’s name and regrets giving him the name.

When you choose a name for your child it is hard, there will always be people who will judge and criticise the name you pick. But should you listen to them? No, you shouldn’t listen to them. You must go for the name you like the most or else you will always be unhappy.

The mum revealed she made a snap decision at the last minute about her son’s name. When she was pregnant she had the perfect name for her son. But after giving birth she felt pressurised by the family to call him something else.

Her son’s name is Ezra and the mum said she doesn’t like telling people what he is called.

She has decided after a lot of soul searching to change his name to the one she always wanted to call him. But will not tell family until his name is changed.

Many people thought she should do what feels right for her, but others were critical with one saying leave your child’s name alone. Renaming your child at one year old is bizarre.

Have you ever regretted your child’s name?

Do you think the mother is right to change her son’s name?


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