
Parents criticise school for holding chocolate fountain tea party for children with 100% attendance.


Some parents were not happy when a school laid on a chocolate fountain and cakes at an afternoon tea party. But only for children with 100% attendance.

The parents are furious with the school for discriminating against boys and girls with health issues. It was claimed that pupils who had missed at least one day of school, where made to stay in their classroom while their friends enjoyed the tea party.

An angry Nana said her grandchild had missed school because of highly contagious chickenpox. She believes that rewarding children is a good thing. But to penalise them for something totally out of their control is wrong.

Many parents are of the belief that Children who have an illness which has an impact on their life, already feel different and this just reinforces the issue. The school should reward good behaviour and those children who have tried their best

One parent was upset that her child had 98% attendance but was still not allowed to go to the party. But another was of the opinion that it was a shame that it upset people. Because if we are not careful treats will stop for all children for fear of upsetting and offending.

The school in Stoke on Trent defended its position and said it is important to reward children. It has been positively recieved by most parents.

What is your opinion do you think the school was right in holding the party?


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