
Cleethorpes initiative to ease congestion during regeneration works to continue

Cleethorpes initiative to ease congestion during regeneration works to continue

Temporary traffic lights will be once again be in operation over the weekend at the junction of Short Street and St Peter’s Avenue in Cleethorpes.

Works to Cleethorpes High Street are ongoing as part of the regeneration scheme, but in response to requests from local businesses and the community, the team behind the works last weekend implemented alternative arrangements to help improve traffic flow around the diversion route.

The traffic lights will again be operational from 12noon to 6pm on Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays and will be monitored at all times.

This will initially continue up until the early May bank holiday weekend (4/5/6 May) and if considered successful the team will look to potentially continue to use traffic lights at this location over the busy periods while the works continue on High Street.

Alternative diversion routes to help traffic leaving the resort and heading towards the A180 and M180 have also now been signposted. The diversion signs direct traffic along Queen’s Parade or North Sea Lane as an alternative to help ease congestion on the main routes.

The overall regeneration project was developed by CoastNEL, a local group with representation from a wide range of local businesses and the community, supported by the Council and ENGIE, and this current phase of works on High Street will be completed in July 2019.

Funding for the overall project has been secured from the Coastal Communities Fund, Heritage Lottery, Local Transport Plan and North East Lincolnshire Council.

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