
Apologies after new speed limit signs have to be painted over!



You couldn’t make it up.

Officials have erected more than 50 -speed limit signs which should not have been installed

The council decided to impose a 20mph speed restriction on Littlefield Road in Grimsby. The signposts were erected last week.

But a public consultation for residents and traders to put forward their views on the proposal was not due to end until April 17th. The signs have been erected before the public deadline.

When the council was informed that the speed limit couldn’t be enforced until after April 17th at the earliest.They have had to cover the signs which they have done,by spraying both sides in grey paint.

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    1 Comment

    • Carolyn Carter , April 13, 2019 @ 12:28 pm

      Do they mean Littlefield Lane or Littlecoates Road?

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