
Windfall for Women’s Aid

Windfall for Women’s Aid

Sally McCormack from Women’s Aid NE Lincs was delighted to accept a cheque for £200 today vowing it would be put to good use.

“Most of it will likely be spent on the children of the women that we support”, she said, “we’re always in need of craft materials and other things to provide activities for them.”

Members of Cleethorpes’ Labour Women’s Forum presented the cheque on behalf of Cleethorpes’ Labour Party.  They had held a celebratory event last December to mark 100 years of Women’s suffrage and decided to use the event to raise funds for, and awareness of, Women’s Aid.

Jess Taylor, Cleethorpes’ Labour Party Women’s Officer, said the event had been a great success and it had been a unanimous decision to support our local Women’s Aid.

 “As our celebration was all about women, choosing Women’s Aid as the beneficiary of our fund-raising efforts was an easy and obvious choice. They provide invaluable support for victims of domestic abuse through a wide range of services, including emergency refuge accommodation,” Jess stated.

There are a host of ways in which anyone can help the charity including direct donations, fundraising events and by making purchases from their charity shops.

Click here for more details of how you can get involved.

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