If your child is obsessed with dinosaurs it can be a sign that they are highly intelligent.
According to a university study if your child knows their Brachiosaurus from their Diplodocus they probably have a higher level of intelligence.
Children who show an intense interest in dinosaurs experience a number of benefits. They experience perseverance, an increase in complex thinking skills, and improved attention.
The study also found that the way a child studied dinosaurs helped them to develop strategies which help them tackle problems through their lives. Don’t be worry if your child’s interest fades by the time they are five or six as only 20% of children still have their childhood obsessions as they start school.
Babies who do not sleep through the night is also a sign of high intelligence.
Another sign of higher intelligence in children is them not sleeping through the night. According to Professor Peter Fleming babies who don’t sleep all night are generally smarter than those who love sleeping. He said that there is no evidence that there is any benefit to having a child that sleeps consistently and longer. Human infants are not designed to sleep for long periods of time it is not good for them. Although I bet most parents would not agree.
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