
A18 annual maintenance April Fool joke for motorists

A18 annual maintenance April Fool joke for motorists

North East Lincolnshire Council is planning to close stretches of the A18 trunk road for “annual maintenance” between 1st and 5th April.

“This is an April Fool joke for local hard-pressed motorists!” said NELC Conservative Opposition Group Leader Cllr Philip Jackson. “This is a major arterial road carrying a lot of heavy traffic and, once again, it is to be closed for a week causing major disruption and congestion and added danger on the various diversionary routes that road users will take.  What’s more, this road was closed for a similar period of time last autumn for to undertake survey work and was subject to single lane operation just a few weeks ago for barrier replacement. No one seems to give any thought to the disruption and danger that the regular closure of this road causes. The current Labour administration seems incapable of co-ordinating work on the A18 to minimise closures and local people and the users of this road are getting sick and tired of it.”

Concerns were raised on social media when first announced questioning if anything will look different this time as it was shut not long ago and it couldn’t be seen what had been done.

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