
It’s official Women drivers are better than men.


Women are better drivers than men.

A Pay as you go insurer analysed 4.5 billion miles of driving data. Then it compared genders to see which sex is the safer driver, and which is the likeliest to rack up a bill. It found that women are safer drivers overall. Men are 46% more likely to speed than women.

Young drivers speed the most.

Young drivers 17-25 are the most likely to speed. Young men speed 55% more than young women.

And of the youngest drivers, 17-year-old males speed 76% more than women the same age.

Speed is the biggest single contributor to driving risk, and also the thing that every driver has control over. It seems to be the biggest difference between young women and men driving safely.

The data shows that drivers who speed 20% of the time will increase their risk of having an accident by 87%.

Driving in the dark.

Women were again found to be the safest gender for driving in the dark. A quarter of accidents happen between midnight and five am. Although there is only 4% of Road use during these hours.

Whoever is driving has to give themselves the time to make sure every journey is a safe one.

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