Firefighters at Peaks Lane Fire Station have announced the return of the much loved Fete
The Firefighters Fete itself has ran for over 45 years, attracting people from all walks of life, young and old!
Generations of families have enjoyed this family fun day out which has always been the community event of the year. The Fete has always had a few staple games and stalls which will be making a return this year, including Duck A Firefighter!
Each stall is being renovated and finished with a fresh coat of paint! New stalls, games and rides are also in the process of being built by firefighters who are volunteering their spare time for this brilliant cause.
Demonstrating displays
On the day visitors will get the chance to see fire service displays, demonstrating rescues and the different equipment we use day in day out which will be great for the community to see.
Also making an appearance will be the fire dogs which never ceases to excite people! Music, food and goodies are on offer as well as special guest appearances to open the Fete for us! But we’re keeping them details close to our chest until closer to the time.. keep an eye out for the announcements!
The Firefighters charity
The Fete is proud to be supporting The Firefighters Charity and St Andrews Hospice Grimsby.
A spokesperson for the Fete said:
Whenever we are out in the local community the main question we are all asked is “is the fete coming back”. Today we are proud to tell them yes! Please come down and support your local firefighters raise money for great causes and have a great day out!
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