Charity Different Strokes gets £7,000 cash boost thanks to North East Lincolnshire Council’s metal recycling scheme.
When a cremation has taken place, the remains contain metal from the coffin and often from orthopaedic implants such as hip and knee replacement joints.
In the past, this metal was removed and buried in the grounds of the cemetery.
With the arrival of modern waste management regulations, the Environment Agency says metal removed from the remains becomes waste, albeit very sensitive material.
Collected by a specialist company.
The metals are collected by a specialist company and taken to Sheffield for sorting and smelting.
Higher-grade cobalt steel is sent to two companies that manufacture new orthopaedic implants and low-grade or ferrous metals are returned to traditional recycling.
Councillor Matthew Patrick, portfolio holder for environment, said:
“I’m really pleased to be able to present Different Strokes with this cheque for £7,000.
“The charity aims to promote independent stroke recovery and help younger stroke survivors reclaim their lives. The work they do is incredible.
“I hope the money goes a long way in helping the stroke survivors they support.”
Austin Willet, CEO of Different Strokes, added:
“We’re absolutely thrilled to receive this cheque from the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management and North East Lincolnshire Council. The partnership they operate is highly innovate, and we’re very grateful to be a beneficiary of this.
“At Different Strokes, we support thousands of younger stroke survivors and their families every year, who face physical, cognitive and emotional challenges, as well as concerns about whether they will be able to return to work and support their family.
“Through the many ways which we support people and the emphasis which we place on peer support, we are able to help people recover and reclaim their lives.
“It’s fantastic to have the impact that we make recognised, and this money will be a great help in allowing us to support many more younger stroke survivors.”
In all cases, the consent of the nearest relatives to the deceased is sought prior to the recycling of metals.
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