Riverhead Coffee Hold Fundraising Event After Break In
Earlier this year local coffee shop Riverhead Coffee Cleethorpes were broken into. Damage was caused to their front window and door.
For small business owners events like this cause great distress. Running a small business can be very costly. Spare money isn’t eay to come by especially for unexpected costs. Nic Till, Owner of Riverhead Coffee wanted to feel more secure so decided to install a security shutter.
When Roger Beard, one of their very loyal and regular customers heard the news he kindly offered to organise a fundraising gig to help towards the costs.
The gig will be held this evening at Riverhead Coffee Grimsby. There will be music from local performers (all kindly donating their time), food and homemade cakes!
Its amazing to see local people coming together and supporting local businesses. Highlighting the passion and determination we have in our town. This is what makes our town great!
Good luck to Nic and the team on their event tonight. I am sure it will be a huge success.