
Is it ever right to scold a stranger’s child?



Is it ever right to scold a stranger’s child?

A mother has admitted that she would scold a stranger’s child if their behaviour impacts her personal space. In fact, she already has done.

The woman was slammed by viewers when she admitted that she would tell someone else’s child off if they were having a tantrum. She insisted that it was a matter of being parented properly.

She believes that you have every right to tell a child off if the youngster is impacting your environment. Vanessa Feltz disagreed with her and suggested that it is no one else’s business.


The discussion took place after a mother had revealed that she was furious that when her son was having a tantrum on a shopping trip and a stranger told her son to shut up.

One person was enraged and remarked who does the woman think she is telling other people’s kids off. Another said all your doing is whatever you can to soothe them and shut them up. What you do not need is some self-righteous adult telling them what to do. Being told off by a stranger is probably going to make them worse.

Are there any circumstances in which you would tell a strangers child off?

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