
Should younger people being called for jury service be replaced by pensioners? Do you think you should have the right to refuse jury service?


Should younger people being called for jury service be replaced by pensioners?

A mother aged 29 has caused controversy when she complained about doing jury service and said she should be replaced by a pensioner with nothing to do.

The married 29-year-old had her jury service put back twice because of not being able to arrange child care. But after the third time, she was fined £300 because she could not come up with any cause for being unable to spend time on a jury.

She was told that it is the only public service the state asks citizens to take part in during peacetime and her selfish attitude was criticised. It is believed she said to let a 90-year-old do it I’ve got better things to do.

Her husband has taken unpaid leave from his job to look after their children while she does the jury service.

Do you think you should have the right to refuse to do jury service?

Have you ever done jury service?

Did you think it was your civic duty?


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