
Exhibition celebrating Grimsby’s Great Grimbarians launches on Sunday

The team behind a motivational photo-documentary project are preparing for the launch of their first exhibition.

Grimbarians, a series of black-and-white portraits telling the stories of the great, fascinating, and inspirational people in and around Grimsby, will begin a three-month exhibition at the Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre on 14 July 2019, entitled Grimsby Really Is More.

Dan Clarke, Founder and Photographer of Grimbarians, launched the project on Facebook, Instagram and at in January 2018.

He said: “Grimbarians was created to show all of the great things that people are doing in the area, and the feedback we’ve received has been so positive. In November, Docks Beers supported us with our first preview evenings, and now we’re excited to be working with Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre on our exhibition.”

Over the past 18 months, 40 people from the area have been featured for their positive contributions to their communities in their own way, including MMA Fighter Jack Grant, Comedian Lloyd Griffith, and Ebb & Flo’s Toni-ann Buckle Weavers. Each portrait is accompanied by a profile written by freelance content writer, Lindsay Cowie.

Dan said: “This is an opportunity for people to get up close and personal with the Grimbarian portraits. We’ll have some never-seen-before photographs as well as an activity for children to draw their own Grimbarians portrait, telling us why they’re proud to be from Grimsby.”

Lindsay added: “We’re always looking out for nominations for future Grimbarians, too. People who were born here or have relocated here to make Grimsby their home and are contributing to the town in some way. You will be able to leave your recommendations at the exhibition.”

Grimsby Really Is More runs from 14 July to 20 October 2019 in the Muriel Barker Gallery at Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre.

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