Four Afghan refugee families to be offered accommodation in North East Lincolnshire
Four Afghan refugee families fleeing their home country will be resettled into temporary accommodation in North East Lincolnshire, it has been confirmed.
According to North East Lincolnshire Council, four Afghan staff and their families who have worked closely with the British Armed Forces in Afghanistan will be offered support to begin a new life in the UK.
This comes after thousands of Afghan nationals are fleeing their home country following the takeover by the Taliban which has led to the collapse of the country’s government.
Councillor Philip Jackson, Leader of North East Lincolnshire Council, was joined by political leaders in the area to support the Government’s plan to resettle Afghan nationals who had worked closely with the British Armed Forces.
He said “it is right” that North East Lincolnshire is offering a helping hand to the Afghan refugee families.
“I know that these people took a tremendous risk when they supported our soldiers in Afghanistan, and it is right that we should follow the rest of the UK in repaying that support,” he said.
“These families have lost their homes and livelihoods as the Taliban has retaken the country.
“Council officers are now working with the Government to facilitate this resettlement, and welcome any offers of donations for things like items of clothing.”
Councillor Matthew Patrick, leader of Labour party in the area, said: “I fully support this course of action. These are people who have put their lives on the line to work with our forces, keeping them safe.
“We are fully supportive of efforts to resettle them.”
The leader of North East Lincolnshire’s Liberal Democrat party, Councillor Steve Beasant, agreed: “These families will be tired, scared and confused. We in North East Lincolnshire can offer them support as they start their new lives in a strange country.
“I’m really pleased that the Council has agreed to support those that have shown the same kindness to our troops.”
The Afghan refugee families will be offered some temporary accommodation and support with things like finding employment, school places for children and English language skills for women and children.
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