
The Brexit Party opens Grimsby’s campaign office

Press release.

The Brexit Party opens Grimsby’s campaign office

The Brexit Party is to open their campaign office is open in Grimsby on Tuesday 5th November.

A few days after we were all told we would have left the European Union, Grimsby’s Brexit Party PPC, Christopher Barker, spoke of Grimsby’s dismay at our politicians’ actions in frustrating our democratic vote. “Our Labour Remainer MP keeps inventing excuses for why she won’t back the people who elected her” he said, adding: “Labour and Tories alike – our politicians have betrayed our trust. And Grimsby deserves so much more. After Grimsby’s 74 years of Labour, it’s time for a change.

“We want to know what you care about. We’d like to share our plans beyond Brexit with you. If you’d like to get involved, we need your help to make the difference that Grimsby deserves. Drop in or call us on 01472 472321, or send us an email at We’ll always get back to you.”

The Brexit Party’s campaign office is in the heart of town at 5 Bethlehem Street, opposite St James’ church.

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