Family need help to bring Grimsby man home as he awakes from coma.
Reuben Armstrong was riding a motorcycle in Bali when he crashed into a wall he was not wearing a helmet which is common in Bali.. He has now woken from an induced coma after fracturing his skull. But it is believed that he has no idea what has happened to him. It is understood that he underwent surgery to stop swelling and bleeding on his brain.
His family would like to get Reuben to a hospital near to them. As soon as he is able to travel. But this will prove to be very costly to arrange. Because of his head injury specialist transport will have to be arranged. Which is believed to possibly cost around £50,000.
A crowdfunder page has been set up by his friends an family and so far £30,000 has been raised to help pay his medical bills. A special fundraising event was held at Docks Beers which was hugely successful.
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