
Is installing a smoking shelter outside our hospital is the right thing to do?



Is installing a smoking shelter outside our hospital is the right thing to do?

A smoking shelter believed to be costing £12,000 is being installed outside Grimsby’s Diana Princess of Wales Hospital.

Smoking was banned across the whole site in 2014 but Trust chiefs have now admitted that it is impossible to enforce. Many many people complain about having to walk through a cloud of smoke when entering the main entrance to the hospital. The recorded message reminding people that it is a smoke-free zone is mainly ignored.

Although it is a controversial decision to build a new smoke shelter with public money health chiefs hope that the new approach will help staff and visitors to quit smoking.

The shelter is a temporary measure for the next year during which time there will be a range of other measures put in place to tackle smoking among patients, visitors, and staff. Information about support for people to quit smoking will be put in the shelter.

But is putting a shelter up for people to smoke actually encouraging it we would love to hear your thoughts?

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