
Couple suffered horrific injuries after gang attacked them on the Grange estate.


 A Couple suffered horrific injuries after gang attacked them on the Grange estate.

A married couple received horrific injuries by a gang that pounced on them on the Grange Estate Grimsby. Teresa Mciver tried to intervene when her husband Neil was set upon by the gang. She was left for dead when she was left in the street with head injuries, broken ribs, and a punctured lung. The attack in which her husband was left with a gaping head wound was carried out by 12 people armed with fence panels. Teresa feared that her husband was dead.

It is thought that the gang set upon the couple after they were confronted by a youth earlier in the evening who had then driven off. The attack left Teresa with broken ribs and a punctured lung and injuries to her face. Her husband needed 32 stitches in his head and plastic surgery on his hand. The attack happened on May 14th this year.

The couple had only married six months before the attack. It has left the whole family devastated and suffering nightmares.

Three people have been arrested in connection with the assault. Humberside Police said a 27-year-old man is due to appear at crown court on Monday, October 28th charged with a public order offence. The other three people have been released while police carry out further investigations.


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