
Grimsby 501 Darts League Winter league 2019-20 update

Monday 7th october 2019 saw 29 local dart players take to the oches at birdseye sports on social club in Grimsby.

Altogether 7 180s was hit in a fantastic opening night of the winter league season. Jim Janney hitting 3 of them and Joel Keaney hitting 2 also hitting 180s was Alex Nuttall and Callum Jewitt. The highest finish of the night was hit by Liam Jewitt with 110 although he earlier had the chance of a 144 only missing double 18 by the width of the wire, also Jim Janney had a really good chance of making a 157 checkout only missing the double 20 early on in the night.

Early front runners of the league all on 4 points and winning both games played along with only dropping 1 leg are Callum Jewitt, Graham Field and Liam Jewitt.

Alex Nuttall, David Newbegin, Joel Keaney and Tony Newbegin are the only others to win 4 points on the night.

Full results
Alex Nuttall 4-2 Daniel Keaney
Ash Newbegin 2-4 Lewis Pexman
Colin Craik 2-4 Tony Newbegin
David East 1-4 Liam Jewitt (liam hit 110 checkout)
David Newbegin 4-0 Kieran Griss
Gary Smith 3-3 Stuart Cox
Graham Field 4-1 Stewart May
Joel Keaney 4-1 Glynn Davies (Joel hit 2 180s)
John Riches 3-3 Jim Janney (Jim hit 2 180s)
Lee Burch 0-4 Callum Jewitt (Callum hit a 180)
Lewis Gulland 4-0 Steven Waller
Mark Braithwaite 3-3 Ken Smith
Nick May 4-1 Laura Dwyer
Callum Jewitt 4-1 Lewis Pexman
Daniel Keaney 4-0 Gary Smith
David Newbegin 4-2 Danny Janney
Glynn Davies 0-4 Graham Field
Hayden Newbegin 4-0 Lewis Gulland
Jim Janney 4-0 Ash Newbegin (Jim hit 1 180)
Ken Smith 3-3 Lee Burch
Laura Dwyer 2-4 Colin Craik
Liam Jewitt 4-0 Nick May
Steven Waller 0-4 Alex Nuttall (alex hit 1 180 and a 14 dart leg)
Stewart May 0-4 John Riches
Tony Newbegin 4-1 Mark Braithwaite
Jordan Waller 4-1 David East
Danny Janney 4-0 Kieran Griss

Monday 14th October fixtures
Alex Nuttall v Hayden Newbegin
Ash Newbegin v Callum Jewitt
Colin Craik v Liam Jewitt
Dave East v Daz Mawer
Gary Smith v Steven Waller
Graham Field v Stuart Cox
Jim Janney v Stewart May
John Riches v Glynn Davies
Jordan Waller v David Newbegin
Lee Burch v Tony Newbegin
Lewis Gulland v Kieran Griss
Lewis Pexman v Ken Smith
Mark Braithwaite v Laura Dwyer
Nick May v Steve Dwyer
Danny Janney v Lewis Gulland
David Newbegin v Dave East
Daz Mawer v Nick May
Glynn Davies v Jim Janney
Hayden Newbegin v Gary Smith
Ken Smith v Callum Jewitt
Kieran Griss v Alex Nuttall
Laura Dwyer v Lee Burch
Liam Jewitt v Mark Braithwaite
Steve Dwyer v Colin Craik
Stewart May v Ash Newbegin
Stuart cox v John Riches
Tony Newbegin v Lewis Pexman

Rescheduled games
Daz Mawer v Jordan Waller
Steve Dwyer v Dave East
Danny Janney v Daz Mawer
Jordan Waller v Steve Dwyer
Gary Smith v Danny Janney
Lee Burch v Liam Jewitt

Grimsby 501 Darts league is proudly sponsored by Bobbies prize bingo grimsby and hosted by birdseye sports and social club grimsby.

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