Council Consults On How It Meets Social Housing Needs
North East Lincolnshire Council has opened a public consultation on some proposed changes to the way it assesses a person’s social housing needs.
Home Choice Lincs is the partnership of North East Lincolnshire Council, North Lincolnshire Council, Ongo Homes, Lincolnshire Housing Partnership, Longhurst Group, Sanctuary Housing & The Guinness Partnership.
It was launched in 2010 as a way to jointly advertise affordable homes available for rent.
The Council is now considering making changes to the way that social housing is allocated to those who need them.
Under Home Choice Lincs, people are sorted into bands based upon their level of need and their circumstances.
The consultation will consider some proposed changes in how priority banding is awarded in specific circumstances,
including the banding given to people who have a property that is no longer suitable for them.
Councillor John Fenty, deputy leader and portfolio holder for regeneration, skills and housing, said:
“Home Choice Lincs is a very valuable resource for lots of people in our area.
“Social housing is very important – it offers people an affordable accommodation option,
and it is crucial that the way Home Choice Lincs allocates properties to people is fair and transparent.
“This is the opportunity for people to have their say on some proposed changes in how banding is awarded in certain circumstances,
which will affect how social housing is allocated in our area.”
To have your say, visit
Paper copies are available in Lincs Inspire libraries and the Council’s customer access points.
If you need to speak to someone to give your views, ask any questions or need a paper copy of the survey posting to you,
please ring Home Choice Lincs on 326296 option 2 or send an email to
The consultation closes to the public on Thursday 31 October 2019.
Contact Gi Grimsby
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