A search was carried out yesterday for a four-year-old girl who went missing from a Grimsby school.
It is believed that Layla-Mae Watson walked out of Willows Academy onto the streets. Her mother said that her daughter had disappeared and it had sparked a widespread search by Humberside Police.
Another parent remarked that she had seen Layla-May leaving school on her own. It is usual for the school not to let a child out unless there is a parent or grandparent ther to collect them. She said she was in the playground on time. Layla-Mae is thought to have made her way home and was luckily found safe 25mins after she had vanished.
The Department for Education stated that no pupils should be allowed out of class without a parent or guardian to look after them. Willows Academy are looking into the exact circumstances to the incident and are liaising with the family.
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