In a fight against moped menaces bollards are to be installed at Bradley pitches.
To stop Bradley Pitches playing field being used as a race track bollards are planned. Police have vowed to step up a campaign to rid all the streets of moped menaces who cause danger to themselves and other road users.
Three youths were arrested last week across the area for offences on riding mopeds. In most instances, riders have no insurance or legal certificates. They are often seen without helmets risking their lives. Police met with the site manager to look for areas which could be used to gain access to Bradley Pitches and have looked for ways to prevent it. North East Lincolnshire Council, Lincs Inspire, local ward councilors, Humberside Fire and Rescue and the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are all looking to see how measures can be put in place.
Many people in the area are worried about bikers being a nuisance and behaving antisocially in the area. Police have patrols out looking for bikes that are suspected to be stolen and for moped riders who may be driving dangerously or illegally. They are also working with petrol stations in the area to stop those who ride bikes antisocially being able to buy fuel.
The public support and information is vital if you have any information about any motorcycle crime you can get in touch by speaking to a local officer or calling Humberside Police non-emergency on 101. Alternatively, you can call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.
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