Toll Bar, Readers Question to the the Council Leader
It is now approaching 4 months since the Conservatives (to the surprise of many) took control of North East Lincolnshire Council. They have already shown they are willing to alter the decisions of the previous administration-a quasi-reversal of the “fines” system for overrun of funerals at the crematorium and the alteration of the redesign of Seaview St
However many would agree that one of the major reasons for the election result was the controversy over Tollbar Roundabout. Immediately after the election the new Council Leader put the plans on hold (replacing the roundabout with traffic lights) but since then things have been remarkably silent-Why?
There is little doubt that during this saga Council Officers have given very firm professional advice that the scheme should proceed. This would seem to be based on various reasons including the scheme being within the cost envelope and perhaps more importantly the danger of Judicial Review.
This could arise because of the chance that the housing development given planning permission on appeal opposite Tolbar school could not proceed.
This threat of Judicial Review is real but even if was successful the new administration could at least show it had tried its best to stop the scheme. More realistically there could be negotiations with developer for an alternative scheme to allow the development to proceed
It is clear that like Brexit the concept of opposition to the Tollbar scheme has simple in concept but again like Brexit is incredibly complex to deliver.
If the original scheme has to be constructed then the reputation of the new administration will be severely tarnished just like the failure to deliver Brexit (with or without a deal) would severely damage the current Government. However if a compromise scheme for Tollbar is achieved and the roundabout is retained in some way then the previous Labour administration could legitimately demand from the Council Officer corps why such an alternative was not given to them.
All the public can now do is now, just like Brexit, is to wait and see what happen
G. Wilson
Philip Jackson, Council Leader responded:
“The roundabout is still in place and careful and detailed work continues behind the scenes to evaluate the best way forward. As your reader suggests, the situation is complex (as we always knew it would be) but I would hope to make further announcements in the near future.”
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