
Court rules to close nuisance shop on Hessle Road

A notorious shop on Hessle Road that has been the centre of antisocial behaviour and crime has been closed following feedback from the local community about problems there.

A closure notice was served by officers at the Euro Market store on Hessle Road in Hull yesterday Wednesday 7 August. That notice was subject to a Magistrates Court hearing today in Hull which was upheld.

It means that the business has now been closed and a closure order will be in force until 7 November 2019.

Inspector Kirsty Tock from Humberside Police’s Community Safety Unit said: “We had a lot of complaints about Euro Market from people living and working nearby,

“These were about illegal and criminal activity related to the sale of counterfeit cigarettes and tobacco, and anti-social and nuisance behaviour in the area that was directly related to illegal activities at the shop.

“The Community Safety Licensing Team alongside our partners at Hull City Council’s Trading Standards, Environmental Health and Humberside Fire and Rescue Service listened to those concerns and took action.

“The information provided by our partners and locals living and working on Hessle Road has been instrumental in helping us to achieve this closure today.

“Raids jointly with Trading Standards to find illicit tobacco have taken place before and paraphernalia has been seized from the property on numerous occasions.

“Groups of illicit tobacco users and sellers had been congregating around the property morning, noon and night as well as vehicles pulling up outside the property at all hours.

“Groups of individuals were also involved in intimidating behaviour around the store. Some of these were street-based sex workers and their so-called pimps.

“This closure gives a clear message to those businesses who are operating illegally and bring nuisance behaviour to local communities that we will not tolerate it, and will take the necessary steps such as this when required.

“My hope is this closure will really help improve the lives of those living and working in the area. Anyone not authorised won’t be allowed to enter the premises for three months without committing a criminal offence.

“The closure of the shop will have a really positive impact on life along Hessle Road. The landlord is aware of this and the locks have been changed.

“I want to thank our partners, our officers, and members of the public who have helped bring about this result today. Policing of this kind is all about working together with the local community to resolve local issues.”

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