
People who work from home are more productive.



People who work from home are more productive.

If you think of a person working from home as being in their pyjamas and watching videos all day your not on your own. But a study by Bloom who designed a randomised controlled trial with 500 call centre employees found that was not the case. The managers were concerned because some of the youngest in the company were chosen and it was thought they may be especially prone to distraction.

The study lasted for nine months and they found the results unbelievable. Money was saved on office space and the work from home employees increased productivity by 13.5 percent. Which is the same as an extra days work.

The people working from home also took fewer breaks and fewer sick days and less time off.  They also reported higher job satisfaction.

The conclusion was that companies have little to lose and a lot to gain by allowing employees to work from home. One or two days a week is probably an ideal amount of time to work from home.

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