North East Lincolnshire could get a new museum.
There are not many details at the minute. But it is believed that authority leader Philip Jackson confirmed that his administration has asked officers to examine various options for a new facility. He said that we are very concerned that North East Lincolnshire has many historic artifacts which at the moment are stored under lock and key. In various warehouses in industrial estates in Grimsby and are not being made available for the general public to view.
He believes it is important that we get some sort of improved museum so that people can see these artifacts. The Doughty Collection of ship models and pictures were bequeathed to the borough of Grimsby on the understanding they would be available for people to see and at this moment in time they are not.
The hope is that costs could be part of the Grimsby Town Deal, a 10 year £60 million pot which aims to get partners working together to regenerate the area.
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