Mum criticises parents who take packed lunches on days out.
A mum has been told on social media that she is being unreasonable after she criticised parents who take packed lunches on days out.
A parent may decide to pack food for a day out for many reasons, the children could be fussy eaters, or their child may have allergies or health issues. Or for many, it may be just that after they have paid the entrance fees to get in they can’t afford to pay for food on top. Whatever the reason it shouldn’t make any difference to anyone else.
In the post on social media, the woman said she recently went to a theme park with her friend, she was looking forward to buying lunch.
But when her friend arrived she had made them all sandwiches and fetched packets of crisps. She said she felt extremely disappointed.
She is of the opinion that life is too short to spend time making sandwiches to take on a day out. It seems like people try to suck all the enjoyment out of life.
Is this woman right would you rather buy food on a day out?
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