North East Lincolnshire Council is urging people to plan ahead and arrive early to the Armed Forces Day celebrations this weekend to avoid disappointment.
Road closures will be in place across the weekend, though some areas will be closed from Thursday day time.
From 6am Friday 30 June to 11.59pm Sunday 2 July (noting exceptions below)
- Alexandra Road (Sea Road to Sea View Street). Note: the section of Alexandra Road between Sea Road and Albert Road will reopen on Sunday. The rest of the road will remain closed all weekend.
- High Cliff Road (Sea View Street to Brighton Street)
- Knoll Street (full length)
- Sea View Street (from New Road to Alexandra Road). Note: this will reopen on Sunday.
- New Road (full length)
- North Street (from the junction with Wardall Street to the junction with High Cliff Road)
- Humber Street (from the junction with North Street to the junction with High Cliff Road)
- Sea Road (Prom to Alexandra Road (south side only)
- Yarra Road (car park entrance to Alexandra Road)
- Albert Road (from Alexandra Road to a point 20 metres south west). Note: this will reopen on Sunday
- Dolphin Street (from the junction to Alexandra Road). Note: this will reopen on Sunday
Saturday only: From 6am to 2pm on Saturday 29 June
Additional closures:
- Station Road (from the railway station entrance to Grant Street)
- Grant Street (from Station Road to the junction with High Street)
- Wardall Street (section between Wardall Street and Sea View Street)
- Sea View Street (section from Wardall Street to Cambridge Road)
- Cambridge Street (from Wardall Street to Yarra Road)
Saturday only: from 11am to 2pm
Additional closures for the parade:
- High Street (from Cross Street to the junction with Sea Road / Alexandra Road)
- Osborne Street (full length)
- Market Street (from Dolphin Street to Alexandra Road)
- Wardall Street (from Cambridge Road to North Street)
- North Street (from Wardall Street to Humber Street)
- Humber Street (from North Street to Cambridge Street)
- Highgate (Cambridge Street to St Peter’s Avenue)
- Cambridge Street (from Humber Street to Wardall Street)
Parking bays in the following areas will be suspended.
Friday 28 June 6am to Sunday 11.59pm
- Alexandra Road (whole length)
- St Peters Avenue: Albert Road to Cambridge Street
- St Peters Avenue: Sea View Street to Highgate
Saturday 29 June 6am to 11.59pm
Additional suspended bays
- Some Central Prom parking bays, seaward side between “Jonny Donuts” and Brighton Slip.
- Central Prom parking bays, land side from Sea Road to Brighton Slip
Bus diversion routes
Stagecoach services that normally use Sea Road stops will be diverted through an alternative route, missing out the closed roads listed above. The diversion will be along St Peter’s Avenue, Thrunscoe Road and Queen’s Parade.
Public car parks
- Knoll / Civic car park (front – facing Alexandra Road) – will be closed from 6pm on Thursday 27 June to 12 noon Monday 1 July.
- Knoll / Civic car park (rear – facing Knoll Street) – will be closed from 6pm Thursday 27 June to Sunday 30 June (11pm).
- Sea View Street car park– will be closed from 6pm Thursday 27 June to Sunday 30 June (11pm).
- Civic Plaza car park – will be closed from 6pm Thursday 27 June to Sunday 30 June (11pm).
All other car parks in the resort will be open as usual.
Tow Away Zones
In order to help set up the event and make the parade safe, tow away zones will be in place from Friday 28 June and Saturday 29 June in the following roads:
- Station Road / Grant Street (from the railway station entrance to Alexandra Road).
- A1098 and Alexandra Road (from the roundabout junction with Grant Street to the junction with High Cliff Road)
- High Cliff Road
- Humber Street
- Cambridge Street (full length)
- Knoll Street
Any drivers who park in any of these roads will be at risk of having their vehicle removed to a storage area and will have to pay to have their vehicle released.
To keep up to date on all timings for the weekend, visit or follow Armed Forces Cleethorpes on Facebook.
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