Children allowed alcohol are more likely to be binge drinkers.
Many parents letting their children have that first sip of beer or wine at home think that it is harmless. But according to research, this may not be the case. A scientific review has found that those children allowed alcohol by relaxed parents are much more likely to be binge drinkers.
16,500 children and more than 15,000 parents took part in the review. It was found that those with the most lenient parents were a lot more likely to report having got drunk and drunk frequently.
The research leader said that there are many myths related to children’s alcohol use, such as the one that if alcohol is forbidden by parents it becomes way more appealing. Because of this myth parents often allow children alcohol on a special occasion. A parent may think that children are near adulthood so it’s fine. But then mixed messages are sent to your child. It is better to give children a clear message.
Ten-year-olds were more likely to drink alcohol if their mothers had lenient views about it, one study found. And in another study the children of parents who believed drinking was acceptable in early childhood. Had children more likely to drink as teenagers.
The review was Co-authored with the University of East Anglia.
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