Put your trainers on and take part in the fourth Ørsted Great Grimsby 10k on 21 July.
People can sign up now at www.greatgrimsby10k.com for just £17 or £15 for affiliated running club members.
Ørsted Great Grimsby 10k runner Mark Tuttle, 47, from Leeds told us how running saved his health.
“Three years ago I wasn’t leading a very healthy lifestyle; I was eating lots of junk food and putting on lots of weight,” he said.
“I felt ill and was really dehydrated so I went to the doctor.
“He said ‘You know what you have don’t you- its type 2 diabetes.
“I also had fatty liver and bad cholesterol levels which caused me pain throughout my body and gave me orange patches under my eyes.
“It was a huge blow to hear but my dad also had Type 2 Diabetes and had changed his lifestyle and managed to come off of his medication so I felt that I could too.”
Mark added: “My friend Simon Jones got me into running.
“I ran three times a week, challenging myself to go a little further every time.
“At first it was a challenge because I hadn’t done any kind of fitness in nearly 20 years but I was determined.
“I lost five stone and seven pounds and reversed my diabetes, fatty liver and cholesterol and the orange patches went away.
“Only a year and a half later the doctor confirmed my good health and with his hand on my shoulder commended me for my transformation.
“Although I can run 10k quite easily now, it was hard work at first.”
He said: “I got up in the early morning to run and really put the effort into maintaining my running schedule and drinking healthy shakes.
“I look for different runs online and came across the Grimsby 10k and signed up.
“I loved it because it was a flat run and had fun things like music along the way.
“I’m not competitive but in general I aim for under an hour and use my watch to measure nine minutes 39 per mile to keep me on track.
“Of course running also does great things for my mood and sense of wellbeing.”
Mark’s advice for other people is: “My tip for anyone who is thinking about doing the Grimsby 10k is to just do it; the hardest part is starting and the more you think about it the more time you give yourself to back out.
“Just put on your trainers and get outside!”
The 2019 Ørsted Great Grimsby 10K takes place on Sunday 21 July 2019 and starts at 10am outside Grimsby Town Hall.
The following stores will be opening early on the day at 7.30am to serve the public:
Greggs – Has breakfast offers for all the public
Starbucks – Will have a table near BB’s. Tea or coffee with a muffin or cookie, £2.99
Costa Coffee – 10% off
BB’s – 20% off
To get offers for runners, you must show your bib number.
There are limited places and entries are filling up fast so anyone who would like to run is encouraged to sign up at www.greatgrimsby10k.com quickly.
Runners can look forward to the race goodies which include a medal and a race t-shirt.
During the race runners can refuel at water, sweet and sponge stations.
Last year’s Ørsted Great Grimsby 10K helped raise around £15,000 directly for the seven charities from race entries, fundraiser places and other initiatives.
A £1 donation is made from every race entry into a fund shared between the event’s charity partners – Harbour Place, RNLI, Marie Curie, St Andrew’s Hospice, Grimsby Rotary Club, The Health Tree Foundation and Inspire TCI.
The total amount raised for charity is believed to be much higher after the many people taking part on behalf of charities are taken into account.
Hundreds of volunteering opportunities are also created for local people making the Ørsted Great Grimsby 10k much more than a race.
Volunteers can sign up at www.tape2tape.co.uk/volunteer.
Entry fees are kept low in comparison to other race events thanks to the generosity of the sponsors.
There’s is also a 1k Family Fun run that starts and finishes under the same arches as the main race.
You can follow the Ørsted Great Grimsby 10k using #GY10K on social media for news and race photos:
Facebook: Tape2TapeEvents
Instagram: @Tape2TapeUk
Twitter: @Tape2TapeEvents
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