
Should you be charged for tap water in a bar or restaurant?



Should you be charged for tap water in a bar or restaurant?

A bar owner has said that she has told her customers not to ask for tap water. Because if people do not pay for drinks it affects her business.

One person remarked that at the pub she works in they charge for the hire of the glass.

Many Grimsby Independent followers told us that they object to paying for tap water if they are paying for a meal in a restaurant. Others do not think that they should pay for tap water in a pub either.

One person thinks the bar owner is right to charge as she is running a business and if people want to sit in her pub and just drink tap water it will not be good for business. As we are losing pubs every day.

Another said it is a basic human right to have access to water it should not be charged for they were sure it would not affect profits dramatically.

What do you think should you be charged for tap water in a bar or restaurant?

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