Grimsby 501 Darts League
We are doing an event to raise funds to help our sponsor Bobbie Tilsby raise funds to fit a defibulator outside scout hut hall on Carr lane. The defib will be made usable to the general public.
This is a event for a 501 darts event. Held at birdseye sports and social club on Thursday 15th August 2019. We are looking for participants and/Or people to come support us on the night.
To participate players will need to pay £5 which goes to the winner of the event plus get a minimum of £30 sponsorship to go towards the defib.
We are also looking for matchup sponsors companies or people that would like to sponsor a match this is as little as £10. Please get in touch via email for more information.
Or if anyone would like to donate towards the cause link on Facebook available.
Monday 27th may 2019 is week 4 of summer league 2019.
Stewart may v Jordan Waller
Ash Newbegin v Alicia Briggs
Callum jewitt v Daniel Keaney
David East v Laura Dwyer
Gary Smith v Richard Foster
Hayden Newbegin v Daz Mawer
John Riches V Jordan Waller
Mark Braithwaite v David East
Stewart May v Hayden Newbegin
Lee Burch v Alicia Briggs
Daniel Keaney v Tony Newbegin
Gary Smith v John Riches
Richard Foster v Jordan Waller
Daz Mawer v Stu Cox
Laura Dwyer v Gary Smith
Mark Braithwaite v Callum Jewitt
John Riches V Alicia Briggs
Daniel Keaney v Lee Burch
Stu Cox v Ash Newbegin
Tony Newbegin v Gary Smith
Lee Burch v David East
Results to follow.
We are still taking entries for our winter league however 20 players have registered interest which means only 12 places remain
Players names interested
Aaron Dwyer, Alicia Briggs, Ash Newbegin, John Riches, Callum jewitt, Kieran Griss, Daz Mawer, Lewis Gulland, Lewis Pexman, Stewart May, Stuart Cox, David East, David Newbegin, Hayden Newbegin, Tony Newbegin, Liam jewitt, Mark Braithwaite, Graham field, Jordan Waller and Laura Dwyer.
You play 2 games per week and the format is best of 6 legs 501. 2 points for a win 1 point for a draw 0 points a loss.
Please email for further details
We are proudly sponsored by Bobbie’s Prize Bingo. Located on scout hut hall on a Saturday and Sunday evening’s and Monday bank holidays. Why not book a table if you enjoy a game of bingo for the best prize bingo in Grimsby. They help all causes and are a great welcoming bunch of people.
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