Restoring Greater Grimsby’s Maritime Assets

North East Lincolnshire Council has secured £50K from the government’s Coastal Revival Funding as part of plans to restore maritime assets.
Alongside Council funds, the money will be put towards the plans for the future enhancement of the Fishing Heritage Centre and a detailed conservation and maintenance plan for the three historic Great Grimsby vessels in the collection, the Ross Tiger, the Esther and Perseverance. This follows the initial survey works completed on the historic vessels in 2017.
The money has been secured as one of a number of projects announced by the government to help restore coastal landmarks and bring economic growth to communities up and down the Great British Coast.
The fund, now in its third year, provides grants to coastal heritage sites to fund repairs and restoration. In also supports large scale projects which are important to local communities but have not yet reached their full economic potential or are facing neglect.
Cllr Callum Procter, Cabinet member for Tourism, Heritage and Culture, said:
The Fishing Heritage Centre and the three vessels in the museum collection have significant heritage value for the coastal community of Grimsby and indeed for a wider national and international audience. The vessels provide an irreplaceable link to the past, when Grimsby was the most important fishing port in the UK. Their continued preservation is vital to make sure that our proud maritime heritage will be retained for future generations. This funding will allow the Council to finalise plans for the restoration of the vessels and support initial feasibility work to develop the role of the Fishing Heritage Centre to bring more of our maritime heritage to new audiences.
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