
Show the love for your local market

Changes to Top Town Market open hours

Show the love for your local market this month

Show the love for your local market this month: sample MarketHa029

Local markets across the UK will be marking the annual Love Your Local Market campaign later this month, celebrating all things local.

With lots of exciting events planned towards the end of May at Grimsby’s Top Town Market, there has never been a better time to support your local businesses.

Top Town Market, which is situated in the Bull Ring, Grimsby, has lots of local businesses with crafts, clothing and fresh produce at reasonable prices.

Grimsby’s Farmers Market will also be joining in the fun with an offer to new stallholders hoping to showcase their wares.

The National Association of British Market Authorities’ annual Love Your Local Market (LYLM) campaign runs from Friday 17 May to Friday 31 May 2019.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Grimsby Top Town Market

Events planned during LYLM include:

  • Thursday 23 May from 10am to 2pm – Health, wellbeing and dementia awareness drop in with a number of local health and wellbeing organisations
  • Saturday 25 May from 10am to 3pm – Unveiling of art exhibition capturing the life and soul of Top Town Market by the Market’s resident artist, Graham Firth
  • Friday 31 May from 10am to 3pm – Live music from popular buskers, The Moonshiners, free face painting and entertainment from Feet First Entertainment including balloon modelling, unicycling, stilt walking and juggling.

On Friday 31 May, in partnership with Our Big Picture, a pop-up makers market is being held on the Market between 10am and 3pm. The pop-up market is free to attend and free insurance to trade on the day is also available. To attend the makers market contact the Markets Management Team.

Farmers and Makers Market, Victoria Street, Grimsby

The next Farmers and Makers Market will take place on Victoria Street, Grimsby, on Friday 17 May. To mark LYLM new stall holders can apply for a free stall to trade on the day, those without insurance can apply for free insurance to trade on the day.

To sign up for the market contact the Markets Management Team, applications for free trading insurance will need to be received by Monday 13 May.

The Farmers and Makers Market takes place every third Friday of the month on Victoria Street, Grimsby.

Interested in becoming a market stallholder and selling your own wares?

Grimsby’s Top Town is also continuing its stall holder incentive scheme to encourage local traders and small businesses to take up a stall, offering benefits for new stallholders with new product lines and existing stallholders who bring new traders to the market.

If you’re interested in market trading at Grimsby Top Town Market, the Farmers and Makers Market or Cleethorpes Market contact the Markets Management Team on (01472) 32 5836 or email

Grimsby Top Town Market is open four days a week from 9am to 5pm on a Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

The council own two local markets in the heart of Grimsby Town Centre managed by ENGIE, the council’s regeneration partner. During LYLM both markets will be supporting the campaign.

For more information…

To find out more about the council owned markets in North East Lincolnshire visit

Linda Bulbeck, Markets manager at ENGIE, said: “Markets are great starting points for enterprising independent and small retailers to begin to build their businesses.

“NABMA’s annual campaign is the perfect opportunity to visit a market and see for yourself how markets are moving with the times, becoming places where the community can come together.

“Top Town Market regularly hosts drop in events with health and wellbeing organisations and working with Our Big Picture now have a lots of arts and maker events aimed to bring more art into public spaces. Keep up to date with what is going on at the markets on our social media.”

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