
Grimsby 501 Darts League presentation night

Grimsby 501 darts league held the presentation night on Saturday 18th May 2019.

All the player’s in the league received a gifts for playing in our winter league.

Pictured is the players that made presentation night that played in winter league.

From left to right. Liam jewitt, Jordan Waller, John riches, Daz mawer, Laura Dwyer, Alicia Briggs, Stewart May, Tony Newbegin, Ash Newbegin, Mark Braithwaite and David Newbegin. not in picture due to photographing was Hayden Newbegin.

Players not in attendance due to other commitments was Callum Jewitt, Aaron Dwyer, Lee Burch, Marc Robinson and Wayne Clark, although these people are collecting trophies Monday at week 3 of summer league.

This photo was captured by H.N Photography pictured is Liam Jewitt receiving awards. On the night Liam won joint most 180s with Daz mawer With a total of 12 each, Liam won the Singles Cup, highest checkout with 146, pairs cup, and Runners-up in the league receiving £215 altogether.

Pictured is Daz mawer receiving the winning shield for winter league 2018-19 Daz also won most 180s receiving £230 altogether. Congratulations on winning the league.

Pictured is Alicia Briggs receiving league’s player of the year.

Pictured is Runner up of pairs cup Ash Newbegin and Stewart May  Tony Newbegin in the middle presenting

Liam jewitt & Laura Dwyer receiving Pairs cup winners cup.

Finally is a picture of Grimsby 501 darts league sponsor Bobbie Tilsby who runs bobbie’s prize bingo Grimsby receiving a token of appreciation for their continued sponsorship of the league.

All photos were taken by Hayden Newbegin who has a page on Facebook H.N Photography. We would like to thank Hayden for taking the photos. More photos to follow with Monday 20th May 2019 results and standings.

Fixtures for Monday 20th May 2019 (week 3 summer league)

Hayden Newbegin  v Alicia Briggs

Callum Jewitt v Stewart May

Danny Keaney v Liam Jewitt

Dave East v Daz Mawer

Graham Field  v Ash Newbegin

John Riches v Gary Smith

Ken Smith v Laura Dwyer

Tony Newbegin v mark Braithwaite

Richard Foster  v Danny Keaney

Gary Smith v Ken Smith

Jordan Waller  v Liam Jewitt

Alicia Briggs  v Stu Cox

Callum Jewitt  v Ash Newbegin

Danny Keaney v John Riches

Daz Mawer v Graham Field

Ken Smith v Jordan Waller

Laura Dwyer v Tony Newbegin

Lee Burch  v Liam Jewitt

Stewart May v Dave East

Mark Braithwaite v Richard Foster

Hayden Newbegin v Ash Newbegin

Ken Smith v Danny Keaney

Liam Jewitt  v Gary Smith

Lee Burch v Stu Cox

Laura Dwyer v Callum Jewitt

We are taking entries for winter league 2019.

Please email

Once again well done to all the players of winter league 2018-19.

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